Make a referral
Over 100 local authorities across England and Wales choose Your Chapter.
Our dedicated referrals team work closely with individuals and professionals throughout the referral, assessment, transition and admission process to ensure that our homes are right for the individual and that the individual is right for our homes.

Giving the right support, at the right time, the first time round
Our approach ensures that young people receive the right support, at the right time, the first time round – which reduces re-admissions to other settings, facilitates faster returns to lower-cost community living and brings an end to the cycle of failed placements.
Scroll down to make a referral and find out more about our referral journey.

Get in touch
For a chat, to find out more about our homes or make a referral, please:
Call 0161 483 1505
Email or our Referrals Team:
Fill in the online form below
Your Chapter, Hobart House, Oakwater Avenue,
Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle, SK8 3SR
Opening hours:
8am – 6pm